The PlasmaPen Classic delivers non-invasive fibroblasting treatments for the effective reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. This new generation of innovative skin technology offers impressive, non-surgical and long-lasting results. It targets fibroblasts & delivers amazing skin lifting, tightening and rejuvenation.Treatable areas include: Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty - Crow’s Feet, Nasiolable Folds, Lip Lines and Turkey Neck.

  • t causes a mild level of discomfort, rather than pain. The process itself is non-contact and the plasma gas creates a very rapid, controlled wound to the skin across the whole area to be treated. It feels similar to a pinprick and a mild numbing agent is applied to alleviate this. The healing process itself is not considered to be painful, but slightly uncomfortable. As you can see from this image, the skin can remain a little pink for a few weeks afterwards as it's still in healing mode.

  • Fibroblasts are the most common cells of connective tissue in the body and the only ones that can make Type III collagen. This type of collagen helps to minimise fine lines, wrinkles and micro-furrows and improves the elasticity, suppleness and hydration of our skin. Most fibroblasts are inactive and will not produce collagen unless they are specifically reactivated by a wound healing process or inflammatory response. Fibroblasting is the art of reactivating this production process, for smoother and more lifted looking skin.